Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Number 2...

All medicines have side effects. Most of mine list dizziness as a potential one, which It's funny, I take 14 pills a day (including vitamins), plus inhalers, etc., and add to that the as needed stuff. None of my medicine is directly for tumor stuff, though I do have Meclizine for dizziness. It's one of the "as needed" and it doesn't always help. Most of the meds are for asthma/allergies/acid reflux.... The Advair (asthma) messes with my throat and vocal chords, the Rhinocort (allergies/sinusitis) makes my nose bleed (so I take it every few days instead of the prescribed 2x a day), and I can just feel that I have all of these chemicals inside me sometimes. But I do want to be able to breathe--out of my nose--and not feel like my stomach (then lower than stomach later on) is on fire. Oh, and the damn pills keep getting stuck in my throat. Iron pills are the worst...disgusting buggers.

I just got a new prescription last week. I've had cluster headaches (similar to migraines, but different enough) in the past, and I think they've come back to a degree as I've dealt with the stress of still being sick, still being stuck, having SSI denied, getting jerked around by the assholes in Phoenix, etc., etc., bitch, moan, I mentioned it to my doc and she gave me this new medicine. It seems to be working on the headaches well enough, but I think it's making me a bit dizzier (hard to tell if it's the medicine or just part of the regular deal), but worse is the queasiness. My stomach is already fairly sensitive, but man...this isn't fun (yes, the title of this post doesn't just reference this being my second effort on here ;) ). I'll give it another couple days, but it's not looking good. I'd rather deal with the headaches. I'm no masochist, but I can handle pain. I can't take living in the bathroom, though.

Woohoo, 2 days in a row! There's your TMI for today. I hope this finds you well. At least you're not


In whatever way you deem best, I'd appreciate knowing that you read this. Thanks :)


  1. I'm definitely reading & thank you so much for sharing this all with us.
    I find a small bit of joy knowing that the headaches are in some way calmed by the medicine. You are and continue to be in my prayers bro
